You can return or exchange your items using our return portal. Before submitting your request, please review our return policies to ensure your items meet the eligibility criteria.

The return process differs for Canada/USA and Other Countries. Follow the appropriate steps below:

For Canada or USA

1. Log In: Log into your American Tall account using the email associated with your order. If you encounter issues, access the Return Portal here.

2. Select Order: Go to “Orders” in your account, select the order you’d like to return/exchange, and click “Start a Return.”

3. Choose Items: On the return screen, select the items you wish to return or exchange. If you have multiple items to return or exchange, then repeat this process for each item before submitting your final request.

4. Select Return/Exchange Reason: For each item, choose a reason for return or exchange, select “Exchange” or “Return it”, and click “Continue.”

4.1 Exchange Process:

  • Choose the new size and length for your exchange and click on "Exchange item".
  • Acknowledge the terms and submit your exchange return.
  • Note: We currently offer size exchanges only (no color/style exchanges).
  • Size exchanges are free.

4.2 Return for refund/store credit

  • Select your preferred refund method (store credit or original payment) on the summary page.
  • Acknowledge the terms and submit your return
  • Note: You will be charged 9$ shipping fee if you opt for refund to "Original Payment Method", whereas "Store Credit" is free. 


For Other Countries

For counties other than Canada or USA we only offer return for refund. Exchanges and Return for store credit is not available at the moment.

1. Access the International Return Portal: Click here to access the portal. Enter your order number (with #) and your registered email.

2. Select Items and Reason: Choose the items you’d like to return and specify the return reason.

3. Choose Return Method: Follow the available options and acknowledge the disclaimer.

4. Print Return Label: Generate and print your return label. If you face any issues, contact us for assistance.

For further help, please contact us


Can I ship returns/exchanges from different orders together? 

We don't recommend shipping returns/exchanges from different orders together, as it may cause processing delays. You should submit one request per order, including all items being returned and/or exchanged, and ship each request with its own return label. 

  • If you want to ship your refund requests together to avoid multiple shipping fees, you need to use the return label associated with the order that has the most returned items and include the other labels inside the package. This allows our returns team to identify each order. Please note that this may delay processing times.

What carriers do you use for return labels? 

Our system primarily generates return labels with UPS. However, depending on your location, a label from DHL, USPS, or Canada Post may be generated. We're unable to create custom labels for preferred carriers. 

  • You're welcome to use your own postage if the label we provide is inconvenient for you to drop the package off. 
  • If you choose to use your own label, we ask to contact us so we can provide you with the correct return address.

Important Note: 

  • Please remember to submit one request per order, which includes all items being returned and/or exchanged. Submitting multiple requests may result in processing delays, and fees may apply.
  • American Tall is not responsible for packages dropped at the wrong carrier, so please verify the carrier on your return label before returning the package.
  • Returns/exchanges shipped after their expiration won't be accepted.



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